Monday, June 8, 2020


Seeing Jim's posting about Gumbah took me back like twenty years.  Gumbah was writing a story about,  well the House of Chin with an emphasis on softball and seen from a JR-like character, although his plan was that each character would narrate his own chapter.  A tough way to write a story.  I took up on it and started my own version only the JR-esque character did all the narrations.  We emailed each other chapters and it worked out quite well. The hardest thing about writing is getting someone to read it and we had a pretty good time of it.

I went back to look at it just now, and I don't think it's that bad, but of course I wouldn't, would I?  It'd kind of long seventy-seven pages, but I guess this is best time I'll ever have getting someone to read it,  No obligation, but if anybody wants to look at it let me know and I'll send it to you.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

4th of July party

Dear Friends,

As you know, the coronavirus has wreaked havoc upon sports seasons, schools, events and life in general. After much consideration, I decided it would be best to cancel the 4th of July party this year. We're all (ahem) of a susceptible age, and the afflictions some of us have don't make the situation better. I don't want a hotspot in Grange Circle. 

This would have been the 42nd annual, I believe. I'll miss all of you and the tradition we've kept for all these years. But as they say in baseball, "Wait'll next year!" I hope this finds everyone in good health. The Esquire opened the south patio last Fri., but they're taking reservations for 4 persons per table, 2 hour limit. Well, that's just a tad too structured for me, so I'll wait until things calm down, or a vaccine, whichever comes first.

Oh...and be sure not to forget to smash the state.


PS: JR doesn't have dementia. He was off his many meds...he'd forget to take some at night, so he'd take them in the morning. Then he'd be all messed up. The doctor diagnosed this and assigned a health worker who puts the proper pills in cases for him, with the days and time labeled. 

Sunday, May 31, 2020

the weekend

Friday night after watching a movie, I was ready to go to bed, but I thought I'd tune into CNN to see what was going on in the world and there were riots in Minneapolis and Georgia so I stepped out onto the balcony to see what was going on here and holy shit.

The cops were being driven back south on State Street from Kinzie by the demonstrators.  They weren't doing much damage at this point but they were all in the cops' faces.  Very ugly.

Then some more came from the south crossing the State Street bridge.  The cops eventually shoved them back on both fronts.  I watched for about an hour and then I went to bed.

Saturday morning there was a little debris, but things were peaceful.  I went out to get a sandwich and tuned into CNN where they were launching that stoopid rocket, and settled into my lazy boy for a nap, drifting off just after it had broken the surly bonds of Earth.

When I woke up they were talking about what was going on in Chicago, and I stepped out onto my balcony and holy shit again.  What a mob.  There was a group of them on Kinzie, in that plaza in front of the IBM building, and coming down Wacker and turning north on State Street.  It was a huge confrontation on several shifting fronts.  The rioters were uglier, more in the cops' face and throwing what mostly looked like water bottles.

Eventually they were driven back and I went back in and watched a movie.  An hour and a half later I stepped back out and there were a couple cars on fire just south of State and Lake.  The confrontation was even uglier.  Eventually they were driven back and they raised the bridges to keep them away from their target which was Trump Tower and after that there wasn't much going on that I could see from the balcony, but I watched it on CNN, WGN and the local Fox affiliate until ten at which time it appeared to be mostly opportunistic looting. The bridges are still up Sunday afternoon and likely they won't go back down again until Monday morning.

From what I could see the protesters are about 80 percent between 20 and 30 and roughly half white and half black.  I tried to look for antifa guys, people dressed in black (actually most all of them are dressed in black, being between 20 and 30 years old) and kind of organized but I didn't see many like that.  Some of them seemed to be like peacemakers, sometimes forming a line between the more rabid demonstrators and the cops, and some of them were, well, rabid.

I didn't like these guys, but I felt uneasy about that, it seemed a little right wing.  Didn't we demonstrate, or at any rate support the demonstrators, back in the days of the unpopular war and didn't that end it?  I used to think that, but anymore I am not so sure .  It helped elect Nixon and that guaranteed at leas four more years of the war.

Then my sister send me an email of her cat tearing up her rug and made a little joke about how the cat was doing it in sympathy with the demonstrators, and that struck me.  Of course her cat was not doing anything to stop police brutality, but how did these demonstrators think that setting cop cars on fire and looting was doing anything to stop it?

Friday, May 29, 2020

A Glimmer of Hope

The latest in baseball news is that the player's union has set forth a proposal that the lowest paid players take the lowest cut in pay this season and the highest paid take the larger cut. If the owners agree, there is talk of Spring training resuming around June 10th with no fans, no spitting, no sunflower seeds and no showering in the locker rooms, and other restrictions. (If they included no grabbing your underwear from the front, I wouldn't be unhappy about that).

The players, of course, like to hear the cheers from the crowd. Would the announcers and photography crew be enough? Perhaps someone should start looking into developing interactive TV. The fans in their living rooms could choose cheer or boo and it would sound at the stadium.

I know that some (like Nancy) aren't fans of spring training, but hey, baseball is baseball!! I frankly love spring training. I get to see up and coming players. I was a great fan of Bote during his first spring training game.

Please, please you owner jerks, agree to this!

Monday, May 25, 2020

Memorial Day

On this day of the year, at this time of day, every day for the last some thirty years except the last one, we would all have risen, and have been wandering around the way of the recently risen, alighting at last at the round table of last night's merriment.  The white coffee pot with the thingamajig on top which I never mastered completely would be making its first round around the round table.

It would be too early for the newspaper but somebody, usually me would have already made the walk to the end of the driveway to look up and down Salem Avenue just in case some miracle had occurred, which it never did.  The conversation was always a little halted at first, how did you sleep, fine, how did you sleep, but eventually like a needle on a phonograph it found its groove.  Muffins and blueberries would be issued by Nena and be eaten, then quiche and sometimes black-eyed peas.  The newspaper would have arrived by then and be passed in pieces among the congregation, the Cubs/Cards box score from the day before, comics, the local news and the news of the nation, and what the hell, some arts and entertainment.

And maybe sometime after the quiche I would take a pee and coming back notice my stuff scattered around the sofa bed, and just you know, put it all together, do my best to make the bed back into a sofa, come back and join the conversation, but soon afterwards there would be a drift towards the car.

 Dropping my bag into the trunk, that soft thud, it was just sad.  Memorial Day was the beginning of summer, and the whole summer lay ahead.  Well not quite the whole summer.  It's like when the waitress, after a wait that always seems too long, sets down the pizza and you eagerly wolf down a slice or two and then you look down and there are still plenty of slices, but not as many as there had been before, and now you no longer have a whole pizza to eat.  Just sad.

And then some food is pressed upon the guests and maybe a plant or two, and then the hugs, funny how they start randomly but as soon as it is clear what is going on everybody lines up so that everybody hugs everybody else and nobody is left unhugged by any other people.  And then we are backing down the driveway, the driver is asking is it clear and the navigator is saying right after this red car, and then we are out in the street.  The waving is a bit too much and, knowing that, people wave even more, making joke of it.  And the last thing, just as we drive out of view, is Fred and Nena, just beginning to turn to walk back up the driveway.

Summertime has been a long time coming to the lake  shore.  For weeks the wind has been coming from the east and it has been colder by the lake.  Not all that cold, but after maybe ten minutes you are heading back in from the balcony.  Fucking wind.

But yesterday it went up to the mid 80s, and they are expected to last at least the week.  Yesterday afternoon I was puttering around with my pots, chatting with my neighbors, filling the seed sock.  It was so pleasant our there and then a quiver of excitement ran through me when I remembered that part of my summer morning routine is reading the newspaper and sipping coffee as the sun rises, and in the coming morning I could do just that.

And so I did, warm cat fur on my left hand, the finches flying in and stopping short seeing the balcony was occupied by one of those big apes with the gargantuan brains and his companion, a savage beast, and retreating to the railing on the next balcony over, eyeing that full sack of seed and tapping their birdie feet impatient for the intruders to leave so that they can gorge themselves on seed.

Much like Fred standing on the curb of Salem Avenue, tapping his toe, waiting for the paper, so he can gorge himself on the box score of the Cub victory of the day before. 

Friday, May 15, 2020

Adventures in St. Louis

On Wednesday we ventured into the city for "stuff." Our first stop was Whole Foods, which, while not crowded, showed that most shoppers were being very careful. Nena saw only one woman without a mask, while I saw one man. There was also a station where masks and gloves were available for customers who wanted them. About a third of the customers were also wearing gloves (as were we). One thing that really struck me was seeing several people wearing masks and gloves while looking at cell phones and picking items off shelves; I soon figured out that they were employees selecting items for pickup/delivery. Also, every one of the help was wearing both gloves and mask. We got our stuff and left.

Our next stop was supposed to be Trader Joe's (off Eager Road, for Sadie's reference) and they had a line that stretched out the door all the way to the PetSmart next door. We decided that was too long to wait, so we went on to our next stop, Total Wine, as we were running low on such items. It wasn't crowded at all, but again, all the help were gloved and masked and the shopping carts were sanitized. We filled our cart and left, heading for another Trader Joe's off Manchester just outside of the beltway (Des Peres?). On the way we decided to have a Cafe Mocha from Panera's. Since all St. Louis restaurants are still closed for dine-in, we had to either a) order from our phones or b) get in the drive-up line. Ordering from the phone proved too complicated, so we got in the drive-up, ordered our drinks, and slowly snaked our way to the window. Again, all the help were gloved and masked. Took about 12-15 minutes.

On to Trader Joe's. (Traffic seemed about normal to me, by the way, which was navigable but busy.) There was a line there, too, but after I parked the car, Nena had been allowed towards the front of the line so we didn't have to wait long; the rule was one cart out, one cart in. Again, the carts were sanitized and all the help wore gloves and masks. Got our stuff and left.

Final stop was a small liquor store called Randall's, which is the only place I know to get Nena's favorite brand of red vermouth. It was not crowded at all, but once again, sanitized carts and glove/masked employees. I had been there before, and the man we dealt with was very knowledgeable about the stock, so he recommended a substitute for the brand we wanted, while I also picked up some beers I can't get out here in Bucolic Rolla.

On back to the homestead. Had to take Manchester/US 100, but it only adds about an extra 10 minutes to the trip from that point. Noticed both ways that there were a LOT of trucks on the highway. Ran into a jam-up on the Interstate due to an overturned semi, but shit happens, right?

All in all, a mostly productive but unnerving experience. We're staying put for a long while now.

Baseball and all

  Rather than attempt to respond to Turns and Nancy about the latest in baseball news, I just thought I would start a new post.
  What I have read is this. Last month the owners agreed to pay each of its players on a game by game basis. Their salaries would coincide with what they are normally paid, just not by the year but by the game. I am unclear whether that agreement was based on how many actual games were played or how many would have been played. I think that 82 games was the agreed number. (Not sure if that was based on the previous Memorial Day weekend opening or the July fourth opening). The MLB already knew that there would not be fans in the stands.
  Now the owners are reneging saying that because of the lack of fans and possibly fewer advertisers, the players should get half of that. MLBPL and player's agents are saying no way! They say the owners knew about the lack of fans when they agreed to the original pay plan and the owners are just being greedy.
  If anyone thinks that these players are going to be in unemployment or food lines, think again. How much money do they have now? Enough to last a year? Probably. Do I think they should hold out? Yes! The owners have always been greedy bastards ever since owners began owning teams. Would I like to see baseball return? Yes, but not on just any terms. Am I, like KJ, irritated by the proposals to tweak the rules here and there for this season (should it begin)? No.
  This is the very first time in the history of baseball that there has been absolutely no baseball! It is a damned shame, because it would certainly help everyone's mood if we could watch our teams play while we are mostly prevented from any socializing. I am not even tempted to watch Korean baseball on television with their cardboard fans. It's not the Cubs!
Turns, in order to answer your question about our county and that county to our west that has the Fort, I would have to get back into librarian mode and research the army's regulations during this time. Perhaps they are not allowed off base. I'll let you know later.